Baldur's Gate 3: How to find and beat Ansur the Dragon in BG3

August 2024 · 12 minute read

Baldur’s Gate 3 has plenty of hidden secrets, including the fact that (somehow) Ansur the Dragon is beneath an entire city without anybody knowing. You’ll find him in Act Three, and, when you do, you’ll need to beat him.

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Here’s how to handle it all and find Ansur the Dragon in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Who is Ansur in BG3?

Ansur is a level 17 Undead Dragon that lies in wait as a corpse you’ll encounter after your success in the Wyrmway trials. Ansur is now a spirit who introduces itself as the ‘Heart of the Gate—butchered in flesh, risen in spirit.’

Ansur and the Emperor Mindflayer, Balduran, have had their friendship soured by the Illithid curse. Ansur could not accept the Emperor as an Illithid, leading to Balduran reluctantly killing Ansur.

How to enter Ansur’s Lair in BG3

The entry to Ansur’s Lair is in the Wyrm’s Rock Fortress prison. There are a few different ways to enter Wyrm’s Rock, but the easiest way is to head to do the following:

  • Find the coordinates X:32 and Y:159 in Wyrm’s Crossing.
  • Once you’re there, you should find a wooden balcony.
  • With Feather Fall, or plenty of healing spells or potions, jump your way down from the balcony to the fortress.
  • Walk around the outside of the fortress until you find a crack in the wall.
  • Now that you’re inside the Fortress, you’ll have to find the entrance to Ansur’s Lair. Head to the coordinates X:36 and Y:-732, where two Dragon’s Head torches are on the wall. To open the secret passageway, you must cast a lightning attack, like Lightning Bolt or Witch Bolt, on both. For this, I used Jaheira. However, you can also use Gale.

    After opening the passageway:

  • Follow the path and pass through an Iron Gate (X:17 and Y:-701).
  • Interact with the statue of Balduran, who will tell you the four challenges you must face.
  • Ask him to open the door and head inside.
  • The four rooms are to be completed in any order, with puzzles to complete.

    How to complete the Chamber of Courage puzzle in BG3

    Interact with the statue of Balduran and take the torch, which results in a fight against Elementals and other spawned enemies. You do not need to defeat them; if you do, more will spawn. Instead, you need to survive for four turns.


    Before you start the puzzle, you can summon elementals or animal companions, if you have any, to help take some of the aggro away from your party. This can be a great way to reduce the amount of damage that will head your way.

    Once completed, the statue will glow—as will a statue back outside by the locked door, which marks the completion of each puzzle.

    How to complete the Chamber of Justice puzzle in BG3

    In the Chamber of Justice, several paintings are on the walls. Ignore those and locate the Shrouded Paintings in the middle of the room. The best way to highlight them is to hold the Alt key. To solve this puzzle, follow these steps:

  • Cast ‘Remove Curse’ on each of the Shrouded Paintings to clear the Shroud from the paintings. Shadowheart is a good choice for this.
  • Once all three paintings have been cleared, locate the painting called ‘The Cell’ and right-click it.
  • Select the option to ‘pick it up.’
  • On the opposite side, you’ll find an empty stone niche—interact with it and add ‘The Cell’ painting to the empty slot.
  • And that’s it! You can move on to the next puzzle.

    How to complete the Chamber of Strategy puzzle in BG3

    Upon entry to the Chamber of Strategy, you’ll see the stairway blocked by some crystals. I tried to break them with attacks but had no luck, though you can jump over them, which is what I did. Your task in this room is to destroy the Black King chess piece in three moves. If you are well-versed in chess, this should be an easy task.


    The Black King chess piece is located at the back of the chessboard and is the furthest piece from the Balduran statue.

    If not, there is a simple solution; all you need to do is cast a lightning spell to destroy it. Again, I used Jaheira, and it took me two strikes to destroy it. Once it’s destroyed, the statue will glow, and you can move on to the final room.

    How to complete the Chamber of Insight puzzle in BG3

    In the Chamber of Insight, several books provide information on the three red figures at the end of the room. You need to destroy the one with the most evil tendencies. To stop the books, you can use a spell like Hold Monster, which is a level five enchantment spell Wizards, Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and War Domain Clerics can use. However, you can bypass the books and attack Suelto to complete the puzzle and save time.


    Suelto is the red figure on the very left (the furthest from the statue), and you can use a ranged attack to kill him.

    How to beat Ansur the Dragon in BG3

    Once you have completed all chambers, all four statues by the locked door will light up. Head to that locked door at X:-885, Y:-999, and it will open. By going through this door, you will speak to the statue, which opens another door. In the vast room, you can now enter, you can see the skeleton of Ansur. Upon interacting with it, a cutscene will begin, and you will learn about Ansur’s history with somebody very familiar to you—the Emperor Mindflayer.

    At the end of the cutscene, you will need to fight Ansur’s reanimated skeleton. As he is a challenging foe, you should know a few things, including his stats, what consumables you should bring and use in the fight, and Ansur’s two main phases.

    Ansur the Dragon: stats, type, resistances, and weaknesses

    How to prepare for the fight with Ansur

    You can better prepare for this boss fight now you know Ansur’s stats, weaknesses, and resistances. As Ansur deals considerable Lightning damage and is a dragon, there are four essentials you should bring or equip for this fight, outside of healing potions, including:

  • Arrow of Dragon Slaying: This is a very rare item you can purchase from specific vendors in Acts Two and Three. But, as the name suggests, they deal double the damage to dragons, which means they’re perfect for this fight, even if Ansur is Undead.
    • Vendors who occasionally sell this item include Quartermaster Talli (Last Light Inn—Act Two), Fytz the Firecracker (Stormshore Armoury in Baldur’s Gate’s Lower City—Act Three), and Enthral Danthelon (Wyrm’s Crossing—Act Three).
  • Elixir of Lightning Resistance: This will make you more resistant to Lightning damage.
    • Vendors who sell this item include Knoll the Red (Watch Citadel—Act Three).
    • Spells that offer Lightning resistance include Protection from Energy: Lightning—a level three Abjuration Spell, which provides Lightning Resistance (can be learned by Clerics, Bards, Sorcerers, and Wizards).
    • How to craft: Combine Salt of Copper Shavings with any suspension to create the Lightning Resistance elixir.
  • Haste spell: You will gain an extra action and be harder to hit. However, once it wears off, you will become Lethargic for one turn. This can be learned by Sorcerers, Druids, Bards, and Warlocks.
  • Globe of Invulnerability or Misty Step: The Globe of Invulnerability will create a dome of protection around all inside it, making them invulnerable. Sorcerers and Warlocks can learn this. You can also use Misty Step to escape the AoE blase from Ansur on the battlefield. Teleport or Dimensional Door are good alternatives as well.
  • Pre-boss fight checklist

    By now, I’m sure you’re ready and raring to go. But before you enter Ansur’s lair, make sure you’ve completed the following because as soon as you finish the dialogue with him, you will start combat:

  • Take a Long Rest—this will restore your health, and you’ll regain your spell slots and hit points.
  • Equip your Arrows of Dragon Slaying to those with the best ranged weapons.
  • Summon any elementals or animal companions who will assist you in your fight.
  • Cast all resistance spells on your companions. Or consume elixirs.
  • Ensure your companions have a minimum of three health potions.
  • Create a save file.
  • Once you’ve completed this checklist, you’re ready for your fight with Ansur.

    Ansur boss fight guide: Phase One: Stormheart Nova

    The main thing to worry about when fighting Ansur is his incredibly powerful 18d10 Stormheart Nova attack. While it may sound counterintuitive, you’ll want Ansur to use said attack as soon as possible so that you can use it to your advantage and off the beast for good.

    To draw out the Stormheart Nova, you’ll need to deal a large amount of damage to Ansur, which is where the Arrows of Dragon Slaying come into play because they’re a dragon’s kryptonite. However, this can be tricky because his Myrmidon army can heal him. However, you should really focus on damaging Ansur as his Stormheart Nova will damage and regularly wipe the myrmidons out. If they’re not in cover, that is.


    Focus on damaging Ansur. His Stormheart Nova is an AoE spell that will damage (and kill) his army, meaning you can pretend they don’t exist.

    When the Stormheart Nova arrives, you’ll have to get out of the way yourself. You’ll know it’s coming when:


    You can attack Ansur while his attack is charging up, but take caution not to leave yourself out in the open for when the Stormheart Nova is unleashed.

    To get clear of the blast, you’ll want to use or perform one of the following:

  • Globe of Invulnerability—This is a great AoE barrier and can protect several companions simultaneously.
  • Misty Step to leave the battlefield. However, those who do not have Misty Step will need to use either the Globe or hide.
  • Take cover behind any of the ice pillars in the room. Hopefully, there aren’t too many myrmidons hiding behind pillars, either.
  • Ansur boss fight guide: Phase two: Sigils, Slam, and Lightning Breath

    After the initial outburst of Stormheart Nova, every two turns, Ansur will return to the area of the arena where he previously lay and begin to Gather Power for his Stormheart Nova once more. Yeah, that attack is now a regular thing.

    Additionally, sigils will appear on the ground after each wave of Stormheart Nova, and they’ll blast whatever happens to be in their radius with lightning once their turn ends. So, ensure your Lightning resistance spells or Mage armor are still active.


    Ansur does considerable AoE damage, so ensure your party isn’t clumped together because it makes it easier for him to target a group rather than multiple individuals.

    These sigils can be tricky, but you should be fine as long as you stay mobile and use your protective spells and powers strategically. The most important thing to remember for this fight is that you constantly want to damage Ansur. You can also use Haste to give yourself an extra action to increase the damage you deal. However, be wary of your positioning if you break concentration or become lethargic, as you won’t be able to move or perform an action.

    In addition to his Stormheart Nova, Ansur will jump around the arena with Slam to inflict 6d8+7 Bludgeoning damage within 4m of wherever he lands. He’ll also spew a bit of 12d6 Lightning Breath, which you’ll want to avoid.

    Tip: The Globe of Invulnerability is awesome

    The Globe of Invulnerability is a spell that makes everything within it immune to all damage, including Ansur’s attacks. Cast this spell and throw everything you’ve got at Ansur.

    Shadowheart’s Protection from Energy, Death Ward, and Feign Death spells are a good way of protecting your team, and her mass healing spells are vital to keeping yourself alive to fight and beat Ansur the Dragon.

    I attempted the fight three times before I was successful, with the two failed attempts coming due to his second massive attack. Therefore, you should attempt to beat Ansur before he can unleash his attack for the second time, and be bold and reload saves to try again.

    Ansur the Dragon legendary loot

    Slaying Ansur is an incredible feat for which you’ll get two items as your reward, and they include the following:

  • Balduran’s Giantslayer—This is a Legendary two-handed weapon you loot from Ansur’s corpse.
  • Helm of Balduran—This is a Legendary helm you can pick up from the altar behind Ansur (X: 637 and Y:-966)
  • ‘Crash Landing’ optional achievement

    During the fight with Ansur, you can earn an optional achievement called Crash Landing. It is very rare because it is hard to pull off. But you must kill Ansur while he’s charging his attack in the air to earn this achievement. You won’t earn this achievement if he’s charging up on the ground. If he does this, you’ll want to restart the fight and get him to charge in the air.

    Once he’s charging in the air, you’ll want to use your Arrows of Dragon Slaying and high-damage attacks. Even then, this might not be enough. So, you’ll want to use your Action Surges, Haste, or Potions of Speed to ensure you get bonus actions per turn, which means you’ll have more opportunities to attack and deal serious damage.

    It took me two tries to get this achievement and I did have to reload my earlier save. So, I’m glad I did save just before the fight. However, if you didn’t, you can reload an earlier save, but depending on when that is, you might reload before the trials or at a point earlier than this. And if that’s the case, you can always try again on another run-through and ensure you’re buying the Arrows of Dragon Slaying from the Act Two vendors to give you a better chance of defeating Ansur quickly and getting this achievement.

    Finding, let alone beating, Ansur in BG3 may sometimes be tedious and exasperating, but the rewards are worth it. And the optional achievement is a nice bonus.
