As temples in Utah begin offering all proxy ordinances, here's what the Utah Area Presidency wants y

August 2024 · 3 minute read

With temples in Utah among the Church’s 60 announced as moving in June or July to offer all proxy ordinances, the Utah Area Presidency is reminding Latter-day Saints preparing to return to the temple in coming weeks of new protocols.

The protocols include appointments being required for all proxy ordinances, email notifications when online reservations become available and limitations to scheduling — for now — with one’s assigned temple and not including friends and family from outside the temple district.

In a June 2 letter to local leaders and ward and stake councils, the Utah Area Presidency — comprised of Elders Craig C. Christensen, Evan A. Schmutz and Walter F. González, all General Authority Seventies — noted the protocols as temples continue their cautious phased reopenings after all were closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presidency asks that the letter be read to Utah congregations during sacrament meeting.

Phase 3 is for temples offering all proxy and living ordinances, with Utah temples to be advancing from Phase 2-B, which is all living ordinances and proxy baptisms.

Members of the Brigham City Utah and Ogden Utah temple districts have already received email notifications that they can begin scheduling proxy ordinances as early as the week of June 7. Other temples are expected to follow with appointment availability in coming weeks.

As a state, Utah is home to 17 dedicated temples — all are in the Church’s Utah Area, except the Monticello Utah Temple, located in the North America Southwest Area.

The 17 include the Salt Lake and St. George Utah temples, which are closed for major renovations, and the letter acknowledges that members assigned to those two temple districts may schedule appointments for nearby temples.

The letter in its entirety reads:

June 2, 2021

To: The following leaders in the Utah Area: Area Seventies; Stake, Mission, District, and Temple Presidents; Bishops and Branch Presidents; Stake and Ward Councils

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Utah Temples Moving to Phase 3

We are deeply grateful for the recent announcement from the First Presidency that 60 temples, including all the temples in Utah, will open for proxy ordinances over the next several weeks. As we prepare to return to the temple, please be aware of the following protocols:

We pray the Lord’s blessings to be yours as you prepare to again worship in the house of the Lord.



Elder Craig C. Christensen

Elder Evan A. Schmutz

Elder Walter F. González

Utah Area Presidency
