What Elder Cook said at April 2023 general conference

July 2024 · 3 minute read

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday morning session of April 2023 general conference. He taught the doctrine of the gathering of Israel and invited all to review President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel to help gather Israel. The following is a summary of what Elder Cook said.

Elder Cook’s conference talk summary

Heavenly Father desires His children to be safely gathered home. His plan is based on righteousness, keeping His commandments, receiving ordinances and honoring covenants. 

President Russell M. Nelson has repeatedly emphasized the gathering of Israel — a concept that has been greatly expanded by the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon.

“Those who accept the gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of lineage become part of gathered Israel. With that gathering and the numerous temples built and announced, we are in a unique position to gather Israel on both sides of the veil as never before under the Father’s plan.”

Members and missionaries across the world are expanding efforts to gather scattered Israel, and growth continues everywhere. “Nevertheless, our commitment to love, share and invite can be greatly expanded.”

“My specific prayer today is for every child, young man, young woman, family, and quorum, Relief Society and class to review how we individually and collectively accept dramatic counsel to help gather Israel that have been issued by the Lord and our beloved Prophet. …

“The Lord expects those who have received His gospel to urgently strive to be a beacon light example that will help others come to God.”

Notable quotes

An essential part of this missionary effort is for individual members to become beacon light examples wherever we live. We cannot be in camouflage.

Please understand that there are remarkable blessings in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Lord expects those who have received His gospel to urgently strive to be a beacon light example that will help others come to God.

See the full text of Elder Cook’s talk: ‘Safely Gathered Home’

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