Three of Wands Tarot Card: Its Amazing Meaning Explained

July 2024 · 9 minute read

John Smith and Pocahontas would be on the face if this card were a Disney movie. The Three of Wands Tarot card urges you to go the distance.

Whether the journey is related to business, finances, success, love, or self-care doesn’t matter much. Courage, discipline, and expansion are the bridges between dreams and reality.

Is there a certain place you’ve always wanted to travel to? Are you itching to move forward in life? Is there something that your higher self is urging you to explore?

Let’s dive into the key meanings of the Three of Wands and what it means when it crops up in a Tarot reading!

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What Does the Three of Wands Tarot Card Mean?

The Three of Wands Tarot meaning represents expansion, discovery, and planning. When appearing in a reading, it shows you that opportunities are coming your way, with the next phase of life on the horizon.

This card shows that you are in a strong position right now to plan for your future and go after your goals. New careers and travel overseas are all seen in this card, and your potential is limitless.

Three of Wands Tarot Card Description

To fully understand the Three of Wands Tarot card meaning, we will first examine the illustration, its colors, and its symbolism.

This card depicts the same man seen in the Two of Wands, who has now left the comfort of his castle and is in a vast open space.

Gazing out to the sea on a cliff edge, he can see everything coming his way. Surprise attacks are unlikely from this vantage point, suggesting that a happy outcome is guaranteed.

The man seems both grounded and ready to set out on an adventure. The three wands around him are firmly planted, representing the man’s commitment to his future plans. He has a strong foundation and is ready to take on the world.

A journey awaits him, and the sea symbolizes all of life’s challenges and opportunities. Thankfully, he is prepared for what lies ahead.

Upright Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

In the upright position, the Three of Wands Tarot card predicts success in all areas. However, one requirement is a healthy balance of planning and risk-taking.

Opportunities await, but will you leave your porch and meet them? If so, expect big rewards for your finances, career, love, and well-being.

Career Meaning

In a career meaning, the Three of Wands appears in a reading to show you that new opportunities for success are coming your way.

Are there opportunities you overlooked or perhaps put on the back burner? Were you offered a position or promotion in the past but decided not to take it? Now might be the time to reconsider.

If you own a business or are considering starting one, think global. Whatever niche you invest in will be one that is needed in a large area, not just your own city. Take some time to explore different ideas and move forward when you feel confident.

This card may also reflect a new job working abroad. A card of travel and expansion, it may crop up if you have been offered a job abroad. Is it better than your current job? Will it be more fulfilling?

Money Meaning

This card shows you that you have worked hard to be where you are regarding your finances and are currently in a solid position. It is a great time to plan for your life ahead and maybe put some money into savings.

However, you may also wish to use your hard-earned money for travel. Is there a holiday destination you have your eye on? Will exploring foreign lands enhance your well-being?

Love and Relationship Meaning

Romantic flings and love abound when the Three of Wands upright Tarot card appears in your reading!

If you are single, get ready to mingle – especially if you will be on spring break or vacation soon. This isn’t to say the person you hit it off with won’t become a life-long love. A new relationship may soon come your way.

If you are already married or in a committed relationship, plan a getaway for just the two of you. Even if you have kids, alone time is essential. Pull up a map and plan a trip together. The result will be a much tighter romantic bond. Remember, this card depicts adventure!

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Three of Wands reversed symbolizes a roadblock of some kind. You may have been recently disappointed by something, and you find yourself in a bit of a rut. Lack of progression and adventure is getting to you.

But this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t carry on your journey, but you should prepare for hurdles along the way. Cast self-doubt and regret to the side. Forget about the past; look only to the future.

This Minor Arcana card asks you to take things one step at a time moving forward. Embrace help from others instead of going at it alone.

Rallying a group behind you will allow you to break through any barriers that stand in your way.

Reversed Career Meaning

When appearing in a reversed position regarding your career, this card suggests obstacles in your progression. You may be feeling bored with your work right now. But remember, you have the power to change things up.

It is time to focus on planning your path forward with work. Are you in the right career for you? Or, is there a dream job calling to you?

Reversed Money Meaning

When this card reversed crops up in a money reading, it suggests that financial chaos and money mismanagement are affecting you right now. Perhaps you are spending too much on things that don’t matter and are not taking the proper precautions to ensure financial stability.

Whatever it is, now is the time to keep your money in check!

Reversed Love and Relationship Meaning

Regarding your love life, the reversed Three of Wands card advises you to learn how to compromise. If you are in a relationship, it reveals that there is a lack of progress occurring that is pulling you and your partner apart. How can you heal this?

For those looking for love, this card suggests that you are clinging to old romances and not allowing new love to flourish. Do you compare everyone you date to your ex? It is time to work through why you are doing this and embrace change. The next person you meet might be perfect for you!

This card also may reveal a failed long-distance relationship.

Important Card Combinations

Wishes coming through, leadership, and achieving a new level of mastery are embodied by the Three of Wands Tarot card. But remember that the meaning can change when the card is combined with other cards.

Major Arcana cards can significantly impact the meaning of this Minor Arcana Wands card. Therefore, I included the most important Three of Wands card combinations.

Three of Wands and the High Priestess

If you are working toward a stronger sense of self, get ready to achieve enlightenment. The 3 of Wands pairing with the High Priestess indicates a period of peace and tranquility is on the horizon. Look for ways to connect with your higher consciousness.

Three of Wands and the Empress

Did you finally find your dream house or run into the love of your life? One of my favorite combinations of the 3 of Wands is with the Empress, which indicates that you get exactly what you wished for. This pair showing up in a reading is a very good omen that things will come your way.

Three of Wands and the Emperor

The Emperor represents the highest leadership and symbolizes power, strength, and success that comes with hard work and dedication. When this card shows up together with the 3 of Wands, it signifies you have what it takes to succeed.

It tells you that you’re about to reach a new level of mastery and that you should embrace an upcoming leadership role. All you have to do is let your self-confidence shine through.

Three of Wands and the Fool

The Fool stands for new beginnings, going on an adventure, and being spontaneous. It encourages you to take the leap and follow your dreams. Combined with the adventurous 3 of Wands card, it tells you that now is the time for adventure.

We all know that nothing is written in stone and that nothing works out the same for everyone, but taking that first step is the most important thing. Take the initiative and go on a trip or even just a weekend getaway. Anything involving travel will turn in your favor.

Three of Wands and Death

When the 3 of Wands is combined with the Death card, be ready to say goodbye to all the toxic people and thought patterns that are holding you back.

By removing bad influences from your life, there will be space for new, positive forces. You will feel more enlightened, and good vibes will only enter your life!

Three of Wands With the Two of Swords of the Hermit

This combination tells you you must find a way to escape this rut. If you feel ‘stuck’ or isolated, the 3 of Wands combined with the Hermit or the Two of Swords encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and into a new way of living. Although you might not see the whole picture, taking the first step is all that is necessary.


What Does the Three of Wands Mean?

The Three of Wands represents travel, self-confidence, growth, and hard work paying off in the end. It is a card of good fortune, especially when it appears in a present or future placement.

What Does a Reversed Three of Wands Mean?

When it appears in the reversed position, the Three of Wands depicts a blockage of some kind. You may be in a place where you want to move forward with your relationships, finances, or other areas of your life but feel ‘stuck.’

What Does the Three of Wands Mean in a Love Reading?

The Three of Wands symbolizes growth, so your relationships of all kinds should blossom under its guidance. It may also represent a long-distance relationship.

Is the Three of Wands a Yes or No Card?

If you pull the Three of Wands upright, the answer is a definite yes. Even more so if you’re wanting to know about pursuing something new. If the card falls upside down, the answer is ‘not right now.’ Some roadblocks must be moved before you can progress. 

What Zodiac Sign Is the Three of Wands Linked To?

The Three of Wands is associated with the zodiac sign Aries, the sign of initiative, ambition, power, and confidence.

Did You Receive the Three of Wands in a Tarot Card Reading?

That’s all for the 3 of Wands Tarot card meaning! Can’t get enough? Learn how to read Tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide, or read more about the other Major Arcana Tarot card meanings here.

If you have pulled the Three of Wands Tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?

Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings. So, please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
